

(825) 882-2282 10, 711 - 48 Avenue SE · Calgary · Alberta · T2G 4X2

Dr. Susie Nadeau

Holistic Veterinarian

Susie grew up in Southern Ontario and spent most of her time riding horses and spending time with her cats and dogs. After graduating with distinction from the Ontario Veterinary College, Susie moved to Alberta and fell in love with the West. She started out in Equine practice, but has since transitioned to small animal practice with a few horse visits thrown in. 

Susie was introduced to Traditional Chinese Veterinary medicine early in her career and immediately fell in love and has been pursuing further education in the field ever since.  She got her Master of Science in TCVM in 2022 and is still taking more courses.

Holistic based medicine is her passion and is so happy to be a part of the Healing Traditions team and feels like she's at home! She shares her life with her three kids, Boston Terrier, three cats and two geekos!